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Teen driving in summer: Freedom that should be treated with caution

On Behalf of | Jun 11, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

If you’re the parent of a teenager, you know that teens generally look forward to summer break. For them, this isn’t only about taking a break from their studies, but they also get to hit the road with newfound independence.

With the increased influx of road users this season, you might worry that handing over the car keys to your teen might be a little too risky. It doesn’t help that a significant contributor to that surge in traffic is caused by teenage drivers and schools being out of season.

Does your teen understand the risks?

Does your teenager know that the duration between Memorial Day and Labor Day has been dabbed the 100 Deadliest Days? This is because of the spike in teenage car accidents on the roadways throughout the country.

One of the factors that contribute to this spike is teenagers’ temptation to engage in risky behavior while driving. This is especially likely if they have teenage passengers in the vehicle with them. Their peers can dare them to compete with other vehicles on the road or accelerate to an unsafe speed as a flex.

Furthermore, most teenagers behind the wheel during summer break are new drivers who are still developing their driving skills and judgment. Being an inexperienced driver in such a high-pressure environment can be a recipe for disaster.

Assessing your teen’s readiness

Before you decide to give your teenager the car keys, you should assess their readiness for the madness on the roads. First and foremost, your teen should have aced their driver’s education course. The more supervised driving hours they logged during the course, the better. To ascertain their competence, you might want to conduct driving practices in different road conditions.

Additionally, you should observe your teen’s general behavior and decision-making in daily life. Are they showing responsibility and the capability to make quick decisions in high-pressure situations? These traits may be crucial for safe driving during summer break.

Deciding whether to let your teenager drive unsupervised this summer requires a careful balance between granting independence and working to ensure safety. By thoroughly assessing their readiness and helping them understand the dangers on the roads, you can help your teen navigate the busy summer roads responsibly. Should your teen get in a collision through no fault of their own, you can hold the at-fault party accountable with appropriate legal support.